With regards to match bonus I know the developers will not part with it. But can we not minimize it? For instance you would only be allowed to use match bonus say 15 times in a season? Would this not help?
With the new rules of losing 1000 fans at a time is a bit harsh but understandable but then you get a 18* team defeating a 23* team because of match bonus being used.
I feel that if match bonus can be minimized it would be better for all and at the end of the day the game will be more sufficient for all players as well.
As match bonus is killing this game currently and have had a few friends leave already.
So can we not compromise here?
Thanking you
With the new rules of losing 1000 fans at a time is a bit harsh but understandable but then you get a 18* team defeating a 23* team because of match bonus being used.
I feel that if match bonus can be minimized it would be better for all and at the end of the day the game will be more sufficient for all players as well.
As match bonus is killing this game currently and have had a few friends leave already.
So can we not compromise here?
Thanking you