Question regarding the elite of the elite

Also, I think you missed my point on the 40 point swing. That is using all tools available. If you start stripping things out, then obviously the swing in scores will be much less as they will be lower scoring games. Think about it.
I explained what it proves, you minimize variables, subs are a huge variable as they can be put in at 35 minute and go right in or be put in at 35 minute and not go in till the 75th. So you added variables, you didn't remove them.
Me using 0 subs as home and you using subs as home didn't have a 40 point swing in any of our 10 matches. The 4 matches with no subs, 3 with me home and 1 with you home I won all by 21-0 at home and 20-7 on the road for a small swing. With you at home and with subs you won on avg 21-14 which is still a smaller swing and it is more accounting for the subs than home and away.

Now we are farther apart in leagues so kinda pointless to try this, but i encourage you to find someone that will trade the games, use same strat, no subs and then you will see the real impact of home and away.
Each team will be affected individually Monks. I know how it affects my team and the guys came up with some good observations confirming similar things. All teams that use subs will struggle in away games when offline and I am working my way round it as best I can.
If the home advantage you are talking about is really a sub disadvantage then it's a totally different conversation. If you want to see home advantage you play a few as home with same strat and a few on road with same strat and that's how you MINIMIZE THE VARIABLES. if you want to see the impact of subs then you have that be the variable. But you cant test both at the same time and attribute it to just one variable. Scientific method isnt very complex
Monks, you are correct and I wasnt looking at it as scientifically as you. At least we have all pretty much agreed there is a home advantage.
At the top table, you will find that 95% of players use Match Bonus, I am sick as a parrot, every Championship match I play away from home I lose, I don't know how these people get any pleasure beating teams clearly better than them just by using MB, I play without MB, I don't advertise that fact, not like a lot of guilds and players who put NO MB EVER or MB FREE etc etc, the game is being ruined and will eventually dry up and disappear, someone will look at this rubbish and will develop a game without these issues.
There are only a handful of players who can beat my team when I am at home, but in the Championship matches I lose regularly I don't enjoy losing and I have now realised that I have to accept these losses even though they are not deserved victories.
Graham, you are not alone with this. What is your team name and guild?
Some teams from team the guild eg slippery tigers, Bristol and we are the hutchie are great teams to test yourself against and many more in that guild ...