Wanna bring down pimps?

I have to give you props , Killer Clouds, or should I say Drock88Chronic. I learned alot from you back in the day, not that you knowingly taught me, but by watching your games, studying your formations, how you played. You hated me playing friendly matches with you, and you always beat me senseless, but I took every loss and learned something from it. So in a way, you got me started in this game, and you were many levels above me then, but look at me now, the same level as you. I'm in no way saying I'm on your level, but we're the same level. But thank you for teaching me about the game, even though it was unknowingly...
Hey pack cool to touch base again! Glad u learned and sorry I gave the vibe I didn't like the friendlies. I used to be wayyyy more hyper competeative at this game and have learned to take alot of enjoyment from teaching. Started a smaller guild a few months back to make up for giving my guild to seaturkeys. I think we both know this game more now then we did. I was determined to get to number 1 way back when and I made it! So have you! So cheers to that. Next season I go back for number one this time with a town much more capable of competing! Glad to see u still around! It's a shame when the game loses it's good players! So to that cheers. And cheers to a good match tomorrow. Your never an easy play! Outsiders have said we are ready for a Turney next season. I'm not the only one over there better set at next season. You think it's better to get an interguild Turney going at the beginning of a season when we are all fighting over gear? Or wait till towards the end to give people a chance to gear up?
Zεkε :

If you're going to dream, you might as well dream big.


Would never dare dream small! And I pray no one beats y'all till we do. I don't want ur record tarnished. Until we do it. You have a good bunch of teams that forever leaves us all chasing. Seeing wutang and cny leave took some of the luster away. Wutang was my rival and cny was a player I had alot of respect for. Glad I got to the top to play him a few times before he left.

Anyone that sees this post feeling the need to boost the #2 guild in the game, friendly an outsider leader. Friendly bunch always down to teach and share with the end goal of taking the crown!

There was no info on howwwww to beat pimps here only trying to recruit. To beat pimps we need 25 active members interested in playing daily. We have a little guild as well. Friendly either outsiders or bout that action and we will help u learn to get to the top. Plenty of top talent players to learn from. We even have a few top level players from the rugby game we know how this thing works. Wanna learn and bring down the gaint we gotchu.....
Can't believe I went by drockchronic for so long LMFAO. First time I ever logged on I thought that was like a username not my team name hahahhaa
You guys are doing a great job and have a very solid and respectable guild. It is getting more and more difficult to keep the wolves at bay due to losing our old hands and other good players, but we keep at it.

We certainly enjoy the competition from the great guilds (The Brotherhood, The Outsiders and The Bar) that are nipping at our heels and know that we have to stay on our toes if we are to remain undefeated in GC’s, but to be honest it’s getting tougher due to losing players and having limited players in the AH aka crack house to choose from.

When it stops being fun there’s no reason to be here.


Zeke buddy don't go :'( yes the a.h. sucks but I think it is intended to let new team try and make an appearance at the top. Yours and some others run up there is unfathomable... However, I just spent three seasons dropping, stacking pts and recruiting new players. There are more players available for cheaper prices even one or two levels below top. That's why I just tanked and rebuilt. Makes the game more interesting again when u are attempting to rise again. Especially with guild mates to throw matches to attempting to keep them up too. Would hate to see u go! Maybe a rebuild and some lvl advancements would get those juices flowing again. cheers mate. U reitring would make a win against pimp feel much more hollow. It already feels different without cny. Would have loved to beat u at full strength. But every guild has lost top players at this point. We still miss madhansi and groo rules. Madhansi is an o.g. player that taught me alot! So for all I've lost we have lost as well.
You have lost*
Pack Attack :

I have to give you props , Killer Clouds, or should I say Drock88Chronic. I learned alot from you back in the day, not that you knowingly taught me, but by watching your games, studying your formations, how you played. You hated me playing friendly matches with you, and you always beat me senseless, but I took every loss and learned something from it. So in a way, you got me started in this game, and you were many levels above me then, but look at me now, the same level as you. I'm in no way saying I'm on your level, but we're the same level. But thank you for teaching me about the game, even though it was unknowingly...

Have to give u props pack as u clearly have learned. Gg brotha. Perfectly played by u tonight. My generic offense and excentric defensive switchups and in game changes didn't help me much tonight.
Guest F1OSJR :

Zeke buddy don't go :'( yes the a.h. sucks but I think it is intended to let new team try and make an appearance at the top. Yours and some others run up there is unfathomable... However, I just spent three seasons dropping, stacking pts and recruiting new players. There are more players available for cheaper prices even one or two levels below top. That's why I just tanked and rebuilt. Makes the game more interesting again when u are attempting to rise again. Especially with guild mates to throw matches to attempting to keep them up too. Would hate to see u go! Maybe a rebuild and some lvl advancements would get those juices flowing again. cheers mate. U reitring would make a win against pimp feel much more hollow. It already feels different without cny. Would have loved to beat u at full strength. But every guild has lost top players at this point. We still miss madhansi and groo rules. Madhansi is an o.g. player that taught me alot! So for all I've lost we have lost as well.

I'm not going anywhere, brother. Just gets frustrating sometimes, for all of us. I really enjoy the game but more so the people I play with whether in my guild or other guilds. I've met some really cool people playing this game and for me, that's what's it all about. There are some shit heads in the game (Don) but most are good guys. I quit the game back in 2017 and put all of my players in the AH. I came back several months later and man it was really fun building back up, but at the same time I saw the handwriting on the wall and brought up a second team for backup. So now I'm trying to manage 2 top level teams, Zeke and ASU, and it's challenging to say the least. I know you guys have lost some great players just as we have and that really sucks! I always hate to see the good ones leave regardless of guild affiliation.
Zεkε :

Guest F1OSJR :

Zeke buddy don't go :'( yes the a.h. sucks but I think it is intended to let new team try and make an appearance at the top. Yours and some others run up there is unfathomable... However, I just spent three seasons dropping, stacking pts and recruiting new players. There are more players available for cheaper prices even one or two levels below top. That's why I just tanked and rebuilt. Makes the game more interesting again when u are attempting to rise again. Especially with guild mates to throw matches to attempting to keep them up too. Would hate to see u go! Maybe a rebuild and some lvl advancements would get those juices flowing again. cheers mate. U reitring would make a win against pimp feel much more hollow. It already feels different without cny. Would have loved to beat u at full strength. But every guild has lost top players at this point. We still miss madhansi and groo rules. Madhansi is an o.g. player that taught me alot! So for all I've lost we have lost as well.

I'm not going anywhere, brother. Just gets frustrating sometimes, for all of us. I really enjoy the game but more so the people I play with whether in my guild or other guilds. I've met some really cool people playing this game and for me, that's what's it all about. There are some shit heads in the game (Don) but most are good guys. I quit the game back in 2017 and put all of my players in the AH. I came back several months later and man it was really fun building back up, but at the same time I saw the handwriting on the wall and brought up a second team for backup. So now I'm trying to manage 2 top level teams, Zeke and ASU, and it's challenging to say the least. I know you guys have lost some great players just as we have and that really sucks! I always hate to see the good ones leave regardless of guild affiliation.

When my wife returned, Kessira.. after retiring all them years ago she had 250k Ah points waiting for her lol that sure did help her reboot lol... she only alike lev 27 i think.. I pretty much just collect $ for her when she is working and help her with plays and so on... but i did help her re tool that team with players... and the lower lev if you got the points you get get some amazing players,,,

wa loads of fun reloading both her team and mine when we returned...

I didn't have that many Ah points .. as I was only gone like 5-6 seasons I think but it was enough to get me a jump start...

I had to hide behind my brothers for a few seasons lol