International English

Football Champions Classic (International)


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Why have players disappeared from the training page?

There are several possible reasons:

- Players are injured: select the "Injured players" tab to view them. You can heal them with crutches and bandages in the gear section.
- Players are depressed: they can be viewed on the "Injured players" tab. You can improve their mental with massages in the gear section.

Why are my sidelines disabled?

When sidelines are injured, depressed or under paid they refuse to train or play matches.

Check the "Injured players" page in the "Training" section as well as the "Player salaries" page in the "Team management" section to make sure that your players are in good shape and properly paid.

Why is my player injured or depressed?

Players are considered injured or depressed when their energy or mental is below 20%.

Energy is consumed by training and matches. Mental drops when you lose matches or if your player is underpaid.