It is forbidden to use the auctions to transfer money to another team. Indeed, if a person buys a bad player for a great amount of money, he is actually transferring money to the seller. Players will report this form of cheating on the forum in general. We generally ban the cheaters for 3 days the first time, then 7 etc.

Football Champions Classic (International)
Melhores contribuintes | Pontuação | |
1. | ombrel | 141 |
2. | Zøиiκs | 113 |
3. | (¯`·._)ŦĦΣ☆Иǿǿߥ(_.·¯`) | 90 |
4. | Thorgalf | 83 |
5. | ђąяķōŊήэЙ | 73 |
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Why can't I train my players any further?
There are two limitations to training:
- Maximum player abilities: players all have a maximum possible value for each ability. You cannot train them over this value but can still improve their abilities with gear.
- Coach abilities: a coach cannot train a player further than his own abilities.
- Maximum player abilities: players all have a maximum possible value for each ability. You cannot train them over this value but can still improve their abilities with gear.
- Coach abilities: a coach cannot train a player further than his own abilities.
I got a better coach but i still cannot train my players further
You should look for a better "Basic" trainer to start with.
Indeed, there are several types of coaches and each type has his own set of exercises. Your team's default coach is a "Basic" coach and unlocks an exercise for each ability. The other types of coaches ("Technique", "Physique", etc.) do not improve the default exercises but unlock new ones. See "How to unlock new exercises" for more information.
Indeed, there are several types of coaches and each type has his own set of exercises. Your team's default coach is a "Basic" coach and unlocks an exercise for each ability. The other types of coaches ("Technique", "Physique", etc.) do not improve the default exercises but unlock new ones. See "How to unlock new exercises" for more information.
Can i schedule training?
Yes, the Assistant kit allows you to schedule exercises for each player.
Why have players disappeared from the training page?
There are several possible reasons:
- Players are injured: select the "Injured players" tab to view them. You can heal them with crutches and bandages in the gear section.
- Players are depressed: they can be viewed on the "Injured players" tab. You can improve their mental with massages in the gear section.
- Players are injured: select the "Injured players" tab to view them. You can heal them with crutches and bandages in the gear section.
- Players are depressed: they can be viewed on the "Injured players" tab. You can improve their mental with massages in the gear section.
What is aggressiveness for?
Increasing aggressiveness makes your players perform better and can help you win an important match.
However, there drawbacks, your players will lose a lot more energy than normal and may commit fouls (it's just about certain at the highest value).
However, there drawbacks, your players will lose a lot more energy than normal and may commit fouls (it's just about certain at the highest value).
Why are my sidelines disabled?
When sidelines are injured, depressed or under paid they refuse to train or play matches.
Check the "Injured players" page in the "Training" section as well as the "Player salaries" page in the "Team management" section to make sure that your players are in good shape and properly paid.
Check the "Injured players" page in the "Training" section as well as the "Player salaries" page in the "Team management" section to make sure that your players are in good shape and properly paid.
Can I schedule replacements?
Yes, select the "Injuries and fouls" tab to define a replacement for each player. The player will be replaced if his energy drops below the threshold or is suspended.
How do I get better players and trainers in the market?
Join a guild and donate to the "Player training" and "Coach training" research.
What do players' salaries have colors in the market?
The colors give you an idea of how expensive a player's salary is regarding your current income.
- Green: normal.
- Orange: a bit expensive.
- Red: possibly too expensive.
If you only buy players with green salaries you should have not problem paying them. If you only buy players with red salaries, you team will have financial problems.
- Green: normal.
- Orange: a bit expensive.
- Red: possibly too expensive.
If you only buy players with green salaries you should have not problem paying them. If you only buy players with red salaries, you team will have financial problems.
Can I rename a player?
Yes, go to "Team management", then "Players" and click on the pencil icon on the player's profile.
How does age influence player potential?
Players reach their maximum potential between 21 and 26. After 26, their potential slowly decreases.
What is player potential?
Players have a hidden maximum value for each ability that we call the potential. Once the player reaches his potential for all abilities he cannot be improved by training anymore. However, you can exceed the potential with gear and building bonuses.
Although the potential is hidden, the Recruiter Kit displays the maximum potential ability on player profiles and you can reveal all the player's potential abilities by click on the "Potential" icon on a player's profile for a small vitamin cost.
Although the potential is hidden, the Recruiter Kit displays the maximum potential ability on player profiles and you can reveal all the player's potential abilities by click on the "Potential" icon on a player's profile for a small vitamin cost.
Why is my player injured or depressed?
Players are considered injured or depressed when their energy or mental is below 20%.
Energy is consumed by training and matches. Mental drops when you lose matches or if your player is underpaid.
Energy is consumed by training and matches. Mental drops when you lose matches or if your player is underpaid.
What is the blue bar on a player's ability?
It represents the ability bonus provided by player gear, buildings etc. The exact value is shown in brackets next to the total ability value.
Why is part of a player's ability bars grayed?
The importance of each ability depends on your team's strategy and the player's position on the field. You can see each position's "profile" on the strategy page.
If a player does not have the right profile for his current position, certain of his abilities might be higher than the required values. In this case, the exceeding part is grayed to show that it does not improve his performance in the current position.
If a player does not have the right profile for his current position, certain of his abilities might be higher than the required values. In this case, the exceeding part is grayed to show that it does not improve his performance in the current position.
How does the percentage (%) work?
The percentage represents the player's possible performance in the current position. The higher the value, the better the player will perform in the current position.
Swap players around and use the position's profile as a guide to select the best player for the position.
Swap players around and use the position's profile as a guide to select the best player for the position.
Every time I place a bid, some else bids higher. Are they cheating?
No, the auction system is dynamic. The displayed bid amount is the second highest bid + 1.
1. Player A bids 100, the displayed bid is 100 and A is the highest bidder
2. Player B bids 150, the displayed bid is 101 and B is the highest bidder
3. Player A bids 120, the displayed bid is 121 and B is the highest bidder
3. Player A bids 200, the displayed bid is 151 and A is the highest bidder
1. Player A bids 100, the displayed bid is 100 and A is the highest bidder
2. Player B bids 150, the displayed bid is 101 and B is the highest bidder
3. Player A bids 120, the displayed bid is 121 and B is the highest bidder
3. Player A bids 200, the displayed bid is 151 and A is the highest bidder
What happens if no one bids on my player or coach?
The player or coach is deleted. This is to avoid the auctions being polluted by too many weak players.
I put a player or coach for sale and he has disappeared but i didn't get any money.
No-one placed a bet on your player or coach and he was deleted.