training pts not adding

a few of the world elite members have been saying that they can't add training points so I tested it myself and the msg that comes up is Unknown attribute you do get all our training pts back but the game will be pretty pointless playing if we can't add the training pts we've earned.

anyone else got similar issues?
dunno if i'll be heard like but have launched a ticket to nitro let you know if I get a response
Pretty sure its happening to everyone tho
Seems to be fixed, probably linked to the new game update. Interested to see how well the offside rule works...
yeah sames if it works it's a great patch.
Support said that it was due to the update but believe all is fixed
I have just had that happen try just adding 1 point at a time & if it fails do it again I found it works but sometimes you just need to do it 3-4 times
I scored two offside goals today, and my opponent one, so guessing that needs a little more tweaking lol o_O