Auction filters

Nice, fun strategy game, thanks.
It would be nice to be able to search the auction house by age, salary, training rate, recovery rate, etc, even individual starts like kicking...
yes improved filters would help.
something needs to be done so that new players aren't completely shut out of auctions due to the mad escalation of player prices
Here, here; more filters needed.

I do like to +5 minute rule though - no last second sniping.
Great call, would be awesome to be able to have a more detailed search pattern.
I also agree that the pricing rate is a nightmare, only been playing 24hrs and do stand a chance in the auctions !!
Came to post the same thing +1
I think we need filters soon. At least by age. It gets really complicated to look for players specially really young ones. Maybe we can make them part of the auction house upgrade: the higher the level, the more filters you can use.
Add a scouting system, you can still see all the auctions if you like or turn on scout suggestions, as you upgrade more the scout gets better at returning players with good age/recovery/ability/training combinations.

Just having the filters would make it far too eacy to spot the good players, a scout would filter somewhat but also introduce a certain randomness to proceedings.