Training point assignment test

Hi, this is more of an observation than a question, I've been testing the training point assignments to players for a few seasons now, and found the following. I started of manually assigning points to players for example a flyhalf with great kicking and passing ect. I've done so for each position as to what I believe would be suffice. Then I started wondering how accurate is the auto assign function, I remember early days when I started out playing this game it was terrible, it would focus a flyhalf's line out jump for example. But now, after 5 seasons of only auto assigning, it's been fairly accurate to the point of spot on to be honest, now I don't know if this is based on pure luck, but it is surely interesting. I would love to hear some of your thoughts and theories. And please let's keep it clean and insightful
The auto assign is still very much flawed and assigns quite randomly. I saw this as recently as the start of the current season. I would encourage players to avoid this button at all costs and assign training points based on your strategy and what you deem necessary for a position.
Agree with qBalls. As with most things the game, it's not bad but far from perfect. Yes it does sensible allocation but manual assignment still remains by far the most efficient way of allocating individual training points.