new monthly format

Instead of 2 championships a month how about 1 championship followed by playoffs? The game setup now is pointless.
What would be the point of a playoffs?
division winners and rewards.
But that is already in place with the current system. Twice a month you get rewards of cash and increased level. I would assume you have something else in mind?
yes. playoff winners get a star player. the farther you go the better the player.
Sublinet already does this with Basketball Manager and it works good.
I like the idea of earning a player. So something like a 4-day single-elimination tourney with 2 byes in the first round and rewards of a player starting in the second round? Leveling and cash rewards still in place for the season and then more cash, plus the player, for tourney rewards?
cash and level for championship. Star player for playoff win. Bracket set up could go off of championship finish order.
As someone in a lower championship I am already 4 to 5 months from being in highest league. That would push it out to 7 or 8. Best part of a year for a new player
I like the idea of a championship with a game home and away against the same team and playoffs