Guest GEXZBI :
How long ago is this... sorry to pop your bubble but it ain't me and I do not swear like that...
You got my name right but not the manners part...
However... Damage will always carry the hash tag as " cheaters" so to us you will always be INVALID.
Huw called me a cheat which ultimately severed whatever friendship we had ... I have it on record.
Sadly he will not admit who helped him... I have that on record as well ... a big move pretender who can only plug and play other folks strats... The entire concept of Damage is to befriend good players ... suck them dry and then spit them out ... typical Mel and Sean Modus operandi... like she did in La Cag...
Frank Soto and Alex ( Angoloru) are true players and a few others in Damage but sadly they are blinded by this deception ... and sadly they are in a guild which in all honesty will always be known as Cheats... at least I play honestly... If you want to know betrayal look no further...
ha ha ha ha ha. Sniper inventing feature length films in his head, yet again... "at least I play honestly" ha ha ha ha ha
"If you want to know betrayal, look no further..."
How anyone believes a word that comes out of your insane head I will honestly never know