Randy Young :
Ok so I do want to chime in on the paypal thing...
I spend about $40.00 a season on this game... <y money and i don't care what any of you think.. My kids are grown, doing very well.. I built and sold a very solid computer company that I ran for 16 years (35 years in I.T) so I semi retired.. I was 50... Then I got bored and started a candles company.. (oh I remember people LOL at me even here... But guess what. i built that up and it's doing very well.. So point is I busted my ass to get what i have.. if i want to spend $40.00 on a game I love playing and you don't like it.. well get the f over it... not your business...
Now all that said....
a good friend of mine and a great guy just retired.... Bug Zapper... he sold all of his players.. Paypay and non paypay...
guess what i bought 2 of them on the AH... and I know others did as they out bid me on the rest lol
So maybe I have more (Maxed Players) then i buy.... maybe i watch the AH and try to jump on players when I can/// and if you dont do the same... well your not doing it right....
last note.. if the people that do support the game by spending a few bucks.. stopped.. the game would close pretty fast....
hell they already don't pay attention to this server cause it does not make enough $ .. Think I'm wrong.. go log into there other games and see what lev they can build too...
Yes it sucks trying to take on someone with 20 maxed players... But I know you have beat him.. hell I know I have defending zeke off a time or 2.. it can be done and you know this....
As for The pimps losing a step... I will 100% disagree....
The Old/Dynasty/Pimps were hated as was the old brotherhood because of the Insane war between them.. that ended when AGGY called for member to starve the brotherhood out of the AH.. for i think it was what 3-4 full seasons as soon as brotherhood member bid on any player .. aggy and his hitmen.. outbid us... and aggy had moree AH points then God lol...
Now before the pimps jump to defend Understand this is not an attack.... I Myself had a large part in that whole mess.. and none of us acted like adults... it's over and done.. Just trying to make a point about todays pimps....
I myself LOVE the way the Pimps run right now.... They play with Class. they act like the vets that they are,,, and they give the rest of us something to aim for... I am having a blast playing this game.... No stress.. no hate. no wars no BS...
Just fine tuning my team and the Brotherhood to play at the top of our game...
If anything has me mad it's the fact that they don't raise the building levs and do things to keep vets vested...
LOL if you know my history with Dynasty/Pimps/Brotherhood you would understand that if I can step back and be honest about today... I could sit down at a campfire with a cold beer LOL with the pimps and the Brotherhood and not an ill word would be spoken ... unless they brought skunk beer....
This is a game.. and Thou... your one of the best players in this game.... I respect that .. w could save you a seat at that campfire bro
I have seen many people hit the top lev and struggle... give in and quit... It burns you out bouncing your had against a wall..
But take some pride in what you built..... cause you have an amazing team... nothing but respect..
But for real the whole Who spends more thing.. just an waste of time... Build right and good things will come of it.. and you already know that..
be well!
Thank you Randy. Much appreciated