Best strategist's in the game ranking system who have spent NO money?

Gentlemen - this is getting boring now. This exercise has proven things for me and guild mates - we have two of the best 'ranked' players in the game. Outside commitments mean that we can not attack on all fronts. AND to be blunt lack of spending money using your CREDIT CARD gives us the disadvantage on not having maxed out players in key positions. Glad we were able to unite people 'in the spirit of rugby'. The forum does seem to be BM's playground who lives here though with a clique of supporters. BM we again suggest you join 'lonely hearts' and good luck in finishing your book after u have completed your 7th masters degree. Bear in mind u have been banned multiple times yourself yr opinion means nothing to us. Despite the trolling that comes after ;))) I need to commit to real life rugby. Good luck to all :-D.
Hard to commit whilst injured.
Easy to run away when you have no comeback #justsaying
What does a person do when every person shows how they are being silly?

1. Acknowledge and use as a growth opportunity.


2. Deny, continue failed insults, invent support that doesn't exist and continue failed attempts to suck up to mods to assist with your bullying attempts (I suggest you create some alt accounts and come on here to profess your undying love for you)
And my final thought for now, if you think think that people who get banned should be silent then you should follow your rules and be silent. I chose to learn and not be a (insert harsh words that were justifiably said about me in the past) now. You can be a productive member of this community or this community will point out your lies.
Lads please this dragon fella is just an attention seeking fool.. his claims of the best guild are unfounded as he never has a full guild.. his claims for the best teams yet cant max out fans at 201k and be competitive.. his claims that his strats are the best yet gets constantly beaten when he cant use mb or only plays teams with low energy in training matches.. also as pointed out by fluffy the best dont boast.. the best concentrate on getting better
Who cares about who is the best team, i clearly have the stinkest feel on here so i win
Yyaaaa ..... Nothing worth it here anymore.
Guys have actually put some good hints right infront of you and you seem to harp on and on and on about credit card players.
Oh well then.

Nice to meet you guys Black Monks, Coach, stinky feet man and all
TerraNovan Phalanx :

True legends never need to blow their own trumpets

I totally agree with this and my strategy has always been to hide my secret identity as the best player in the Universe. As nobody has guessed my secret this makes my strategy 100% successful, 100% of the time. Ergo I am the best strategist in the game (the money thing has already been delt with).
Right, now that I have sorted this out I am off to tackle World peace.
I need new socks :

Who cares about who is the best team, i clearly have the stinkest feel on here so i win

You win everything with that statement
We are the Hutchie :

TerraNovan Phalanx :

True legends never need to blow their own trumpets

I totally agree with this and my strategy has always been to hide my secret identity as the best player in the Universe. As nobody has guessed my secret this makes my strategy 100% successful, 100% of the time. Ergo I am the best strategist in the game (the money thing has already been delt with).
Right, now that I have sorted this out I am off to tackle World peace.

Unforunately you just found the only flaw in what was a perfect strat, your last post..doh