Report Match Fixing Update

La Cagnannaise Exposed :

Ben Harris :

Just looked on the match report thing out of interest and 2 teams from my guild are listed on there one being me! I do not fix matches and nor does the other team thats listed... also bluemooners is listed a few times... that bloke is dead against cheating and would never fix a game.. my question is how are nitro going to decide whos cheating and whos not? Is each and every game going to be watched thats reported or is it going to be its reported so must be fixed?

Ben. Every team / match from the top tier (maybe 2) is listed in the drop down menu, you need to tap or click the menu, then select the match you are reporting.

Kind Regards,

La Cagnannaise Exposed.

I wont be reporting any matches... i play the game my way which is scraping by.. if my strats good enough it will work for me
Not so Damaged :

La Cagnannaise Exposed :

Not so Damaged :

Anguloru and Balderdash fixed game. Kicking off to the right with attack spacing 100 and when Anguloru has enough of a lead Balderdash changes. Looking at Balderdash's previous games he's never had this spacing. Damage showing La Cag how to cheat another way now. Thank you guys

Hi Not So Damaged,

I have looked at this game also, and though the result favoured Anguloru, you should look at Balderdash's map games last night. That team looked to change strategy for most of the games, kicking target and attacking / defensive spacings all looked adjusted.

Looking at the kicking targets for Balderdash's champ games, that team mostly kicks to #1 or #4, it looked the same in this game too. The rucks looked pretty even, the defence space mirrored previous matches too. Attacking spacing looked wider, but this could be to counter with the wings.

I'm afraid that this match does not look like a fixed match.

If you would like to see fixed matches and a "new way of fixing", I have posted in a couple of different places now the way in which this is currently being done by La Cagnannaise members.

Many thanks for your invested interest in this matter, but your efforts are just deflection tactics to take the spotlight off La Cagnannaise.

Kind Regards,

La Cagnannaise Exposed.

Not once did Balderdash have attack spacing at 100%. I know you weren't very good at the game but having this spacing and kicking off to the right ride leaves massive holes in defence which is why Anguloru walked through.

Pmsl, are you having a laugh. Correct, my spacings in my games are not 100% they vary throughout the season, whether its ranking games, champ, GC or whatever.

Also, not very good? Dude, 2 seasons ago I got to game #1 with no subs.

Kicked La Cags ass on the map all season and smashed some of you in the champ. The GC before the last, I was undefeated in along with Oblix. How many times have La Cag left teams unable to beat when they out rank a guild so heavily through their constant fixing.

Ffs, you're an idiot. And no, I'm not as polite as the person who created this thread, but fair play to them, calling out you scumbags for what you are.

Also, the whole La Cag attitude towards this is horrendous. "Yeah we cheat, but what ya gonna do" mentality. Absolute disgrace to the game and your national flag.
Ben Harris :

Just looked on the match report thing out of interest and 2 teams from my guild are listed on there one being me! I do not fix matches and nor does the other team thats listed... also bluemooners is listed a few times... that bloke is dead against cheating and would never fix a game.. my question is how are nitro going to decide whos cheating and whos not? Is each and every game going to be watched thats reported or is it going to be its reported so must be fixed?

Hi Ben. That is a list of all matches played, not a list of reported games. The list is there so that can report a game if you wish to. This is why your name is on it, mine is to and I've never fixed a game in my life.
Can I ask a serious question?

This is to any member of damage, ooa, AOC, anyone really other than a member of cag. If you was in the situation of Gus where if you lose you are ensuring your guild member (possible friend of 5 years) does not get promoted as you have just beaten him / her, also allowing in the process one of your rival guilds to gain a promotion because of your actions, my question is would you do that?
If you win* sorry.
Balderdash Titans :

Not so Damaged :

La Cagnannaise Exposed :

Not so Damaged :

Anguloru and Balderdash fixed game. Kicking off to the right with attack spacing 100 and when Anguloru has enough of a lead Balderdash changes. Looking at Balderdash's previous games he's never had this spacing. Damage showing La Cag how to cheat another way now. Thank you guys

Hi Not So Damaged,

I have looked at this game also, and though the result favoured Anguloru, you should look at Balderdash's map games last night. That team looked to change strategy for most of the games, kicking target and attacking / defensive spacings all looked adjusted.

Looking at the kicking targets for Balderdash's champ games, that team mostly kicks to #1 or #4, it looked the same in this game too. The rucks looked pretty even, the defence space mirrored previous matches too. Attacking spacing looked wider, but this could be to counter with the wings.

I'm afraid that this match does not look like a fixed match.

If you would like to see fixed matches and a "new way of fixing", I have posted in a couple of different places now the way in which this is currently being done by La Cagnannaise members.

Many thanks for your invested interest in this matter, but your efforts are just deflection tactics to take the spotlight off La Cagnannaise.

Kind Regards,

La Cagnannaise Exposed.

Not once did Balderdash have attack spacing at 100%. I know you weren't very good at the game but having this spacing and kicking off to the right ride leaves massive holes in defence which is why Anguloru walked through.

Pmsl, are you having a laugh. Correct, my spacings in my games are not 100% they vary throughout the season, whether its ranking games, champ, GC or whatever.

Also, not very good? Dude, 2 seasons ago I got to game #1 with no subs.

Kicked La Cags ass on the map all season and smashed some of you in the champ. The GC before the last, I was undefeated in along with Oblix. How many times have La Cag left teams unable to beat when they out rank a guild so heavily through their constant fixing.

Ffs, you're an idiot. And no, I'm not as polite as the person who created this thread, but fair play to them, calling out you scumbags for what you are.

Also, the whole La Cag attitude towards this is horrendous. "Yeah we cheat, but what ya gonna do" mentality. Absolute disgrace to the game and your national flag.

You talk shit. I've watched your games and not once you had attack spacing 100%, So it was strange you having it like that for your match today. Everyone knows it's suicide to kick off to right with attack spacing that wide.

Wow you went undefeated, You could swear you and Oblix are the only teams ever to do this.

As for kicking La Cags 4ss all season, Get a grip. Anyone can see your schedule and see that your 4ss is the one that's been slammed boy.

You've never been a consistent player, Always a one season wonder.

P.S Take care and stay safe
You say unlucky dude tough match tough game. Are you advocating cheating?

Guest C9MJYD :

Can I ask a serious question?

This is to any member of damage, ooa, AOC, anyone really other than a member of cag. If you was in the situation of Gus where if you lose you are ensuring your guild member (possible friend of 5 years) does not get promoted as you have just beaten him / her, also allowing in the process one of your rival guilds to gain a promotion because of your actions, my question is would you do that?

Guest C9MJYD :

Can I ask a serious question?

This is to any member of damage, ooa, AOC, anyone really other than a member of cag. If you was in the situation of Gus where if you lose you are ensuring your guild member (possible friend of 5 years) does not get promoted as you have just beaten him / her, also allowing in the process one of your rival guilds to gain a promotion because of your actions, my question is would you do that?

This is where David has a point in the other thread. The ideal situation is not to have players from the same guild in the same championship as the temptation to cheat to gain an advantage is too much for many to resist.
Not so Damaged :

Balderdash Titans :

Not so Damaged :

La Cagnannaise Exposed :

Not so Damaged :

Anguloru and Balderdash fixed game. Kicking off to the right with attack spacing 100 and when Anguloru has enough of a lead Balderdash changes. Looking at Balderdash's previous games he's never had this spacing. Damage showing La Cag how to cheat another way now. Thank you guys

Hi Not So Damaged,

I have looked at this game also, and though the result favoured Anguloru, you should look at Balderdash's map games last night. That team looked to change strategy for most of the games, kicking target and attacking / defensive spacings all looked adjusted.

Looking at the kicking targets for Balderdash's champ games, that team mostly kicks to #1 or #4, it looked the same in this game too. The rucks looked pretty even, the defence space mirrored previous matches too. Attacking spacing looked wider, but this could be to counter with the wings.

I'm afraid that this match does not look like a fixed match.

If you would like to see fixed matches and a "new way of fixing", I have posted in a couple of different places now the way in which this is currently being done by La Cagnannaise members.

Many thanks for your invested interest in this matter, but your efforts are just deflection tactics to take the spotlight off La Cagnannaise.

Kind Regards,

La Cagnannaise Exposed.

Not once did Balderdash have attack spacing at 100%. I know you weren't very good at the game but having this spacing and kicking off to the right ride leaves massive holes in defence which is why Anguloru walked through.

Pmsl, are you having a laugh. Correct, my spacings in my games are not 100% they vary throughout the season, whether its ranking games, champ, GC or whatever.

Also, not very good? Dude, 2 seasons ago I got to game #1 with no subs.

Kicked La Cags ass on the map all season and smashed some of you in the champ. The GC before the last, I was undefeated in along with Oblix. How many times have La Cag left teams unable to beat when they out rank a guild so heavily through their constant fixing.

Ffs, you're an idiot. And no, I'm not as polite as the person who created this thread, but fair play to them, calling out you scumbags for what you are.

Also, the whole La Cag attitude towards this is horrendous. "Yeah we cheat, but what ya gonna do" mentality. Absolute disgrace to the game and your national flag.

You talk shit. I've watched your games and not once you had attack spacing 100%, So it was strange you having it like that for your match today. Everyone knows it's suicide to kick off to right with attack spacing that wide.

Wow you went undefeated, You could swear you and Oblix are the only teams ever to do this.

As for kicking La Cags 4ss all season, Get a grip. Anyone can see your schedule and see that your 4ss is the one that's been slammed boy.

You've never been a consistent player, Always a one season wonder.

P.S Take care and stay safe

Yeah please do take a look at my schedule, you will see scores that went both ways throughout the season. Some awesome map and GC defends, but equally some disappointing defeats and everything inbetween.

You're a joke and so is your guild. Can't stay in the top league unless you fix, this is now beyond doubt and the whole world of RM has been treated to the delights of La Cag and their match fixing.

But tondrag me into this fixing is moronic at the best. Did I fix getting humped on the map by 40 odd points? Did I fix losing to DHSFP yesterday? Did I fix any of my games? No is the holistic answer you are looking for.

As for the map, look at the defends all season, been getting hammered but still only a day or so ago I took #1 again. Ah well, I can see your attitude is disgusting and you lack any kind of morals whatsoever.

Call me what you want, come take my fans, I really do not give a shiz. You fix, I don't, it's as simple as that. Did you manage to watch any of the early champ matches? Did you see how spacings differ then? I have a plethora of strats to flick through, so spacings can change. DHSFP beat me yesterday with my usual strat and after a shocking display on the map last night I thought I would try a few older things. Obviously they didn't work. Also, I had to change it up as Alex knows my strat, lol, we share ideas and tips etc, so that makes it harder for us to play our normal way.

Did you see my game against Sot? Was that a fix? How about my game against Oblix or ASM even, all fixes?? Pmsl, you're a joke.

You fix and now you try to drag others down with you.

You have always been a turd, and now you're showing your true colours to everyone who didn't already know this.

Now get back in your box, fool.
Not so Damaged :

Balderdash Titans :

Not so Damaged :

La Cagnannaise Exposed :

Not so Damaged :

Anguloru and Balderdash fixed game. Kicking off to the right with attack spacing 100 and when Anguloru has enough of a lead Balderdash changes. Looking at Balderdash's previous games he's never had this spacing. Damage showing La Cag how to cheat another way now. Thank you guys

Hi Not So Damaged,

I have looked at this game also, and though the result favoured Anguloru, you should look at Balderdash's map games last night. That team looked to change strategy for most of the games, kicking target and attacking / defensive spacings all looked adjusted.

Looking at the kicking targets for Balderdash's champ games, that team mostly kicks to #1 or #4, it looked the same in this game too. The rucks looked pretty even, the defence space mirrored previous matches too. Attacking spacing looked wider, but this could be to counter with the wings.

I'm afraid that this match does not look like a fixed match.

If you would like to see fixed matches and a "new way of fixing", I have posted in a couple of different places now the way in which this is currently being done by La Cagnannaise members.

Many thanks for your invested interest in this matter, but your efforts are just deflection tactics to take the spotlight off La Cagnannaise.

Kind Regards,

La Cagnannaise Exposed.

Not once did Balderdash have attack spacing at 100%. I know you weren't very good at the game but having this spacing and kicking off to the right ride leaves massive holes in defence which is why Anguloru walked through.

Pmsl, are you having a laugh. Correct, my spacings in my games are not 100% they vary throughout the season, whether its ranking games, champ, GC or whatever.

Also, not very good? Dude, 2 seasons ago I got to game #1 with no subs.

Kicked La Cags ass on the map all season and smashed some of you in the champ. The GC before the last, I was undefeated in along with Oblix. How many times have La Cag left teams unable to beat when they out rank a guild so heavily through their constant fixing.

Ffs, you're an idiot. And no, I'm not as polite as the person who created this thread, but fair play to them, calling out you scumbags for what you are.

Also, the whole La Cag attitude towards this is horrendous. "Yeah we cheat, but what ya gonna do" mentality. Absolute disgrace to the game and your national flag.

You talk shit. I've watched your games and not once you had attack spacing 100%, So it was strange you having it like that for your match today. Everyone knows it's suicide to kick off to right with attack spacing that wide.

Wow you went undefeated, You could swear you and Oblix are the only teams ever to do this.

As for kicking La Cags 4ss all season, Get a grip. Anyone can see your schedule and see that your 4ss is the one that's been slammed boy.

You've never been a consistent player, Always a one season wonder.

P.S Take care and stay safe

None of this falsely accusing others takes away from the fact that you cheat, you openly admit you cheat and you openly refuse to stop doing it.