Some Clarification on the "Cheats" Thread

And after sleeping on it, I do have to admit something that I couldn't agree on too. I don't think I could agree with one part of it. I like to fucking curse, and evidently some poes in damage don't fucking like me fucking using the "F" word on the chat wall. Well, at least on one fucking version of fucking SN fucked up games. So fuck em then.
Damage Royal :

Mic's Mob :

Damage Royal :

Mic's Mob :

LC Bears :

[quote="Mic's Mob"]

I'll be honest, at first I thought you were just a scorned woman, Mic, but after reading through everything you wrote you do have some valid points. I do admire you for stepping up and offering a truce, so kudos to you. You offered, and only one response? Ball is in there court now. Let's see if better minds can come to a civil agreement.

Let’s hope for everyone we can now end this.

I agree. This mud slinging is way past due and, from my point of view, the anti-Damage rhetoric needs a stop put to it - the sooner the better.

If everything in my offer is followed and committed to there would be not be any mud slinging (or exposures) needed.

You accepted the terms, which was great , no reply from anyone else in Damage, which is a shame. and you want to start the Damage promotional material again. ?

Im not sure this reply is really in the essence of making this deal work.

Let’s not make out Damage to be a victim at all.

If you want the hand of peace, then just accept it.

So now we are back to twisting my words are we?

You hijacked this thread to attack Damage, so the terms are mostly definitely not yours to make.

You and lots of other guilds have cheated on this game and none of them have made a sincere apology.

So anyway I've changed my mind, I really don't want you as a friend until you change how you operate. You carry on with your little war.

Hypocrites are hypocrites mate.... It's useless trying to shove it up their arses if they keep carrying on what they're doing and then resisting...
Damage Royal :

Mic's Mob :

Damage Royal :

Mic's Mob :

LC Bears :

[quote="Mic's Mob"]

I'll be honest, at first I thought you were just a scorned woman, Mic, but after reading through everything you wrote you do have some valid points. I do admire you for stepping up and offering a truce, so kudos to you. You offered, and only one response? Ball is in there court now. Let's see if better minds can come to a civil agreement.

Let’s hope for everyone we can now end this.

I agree. This mud slinging is way past due and, from my point of view, the anti-Damage rhetoric needs a stop put to it - the sooner the better.

If everything in my offer is followed and committed to there would be not be any mud slinging (or exposures) needed.

You accepted the terms, which was great , no reply from anyone else in Damage, which is a shame. and you want to start the Damage promotional material again. ?

Im not sure this reply is really in the essence of making this deal work.

Let’s not make out Damage to be a victim at all.

If you want the hand of peace, then just accept it.

So now we are back to twisting my words are we?

You hijacked this thread to attack Damage, so the terms are mostly definitely not yours to make.

You and lots of other guilds have cheated on this game and none of them have made a sincere apology.

So anyway I've changed my mind, I really don't want you as a friend until you change how you operate. You carry on with your little war.

No hijack at all, I just want all the cheating to stop. Everywhere for good.
I guess you didn’t have the agreement from the others!
All the best Damage.
We were the Hutchie :

Thanks to Phalanx, we have a very detailed explanation of the sequence of events that have resulted in teams being banned from the game. If I’ve got this right, a few players discovered that the game gave them double RP’s if they put players to auction within a specific 5 minute window and these players then went on to use this discovery to dominate the Auction/Recruitment House. The bit I’m struggling with is that these players have now been banned and have been branded as “cheats”. This opportunity was open to every team to discover/exploit and I do not think that it is reasonable for any of us, least of all SN, to now decide that exploiting it was cheating.

This is actually an interesting question. It was my very first reaction too when I heard about it. It felt a little bit like the wages cheat. However Sweet Nitro take issue with anything that basically deprives them of money. Obviously making millions upon millions of RP means that teams can a) play for free and b) they don't have to spend money on gold to buy recruiter points or players to sell.

The other interesting thing about this entire affair is how we gauge what is right and wrong in the game. The game's terms and conditions are the only legal frame of reference for us as players and developer. The following are prohibited, inter alia:

1) Multiple accounts. So anyone with 2 teams or more is in a state of noncompliance and the penalty is clearly stated that you have your account TERMINATED and the user excluded from the game.
2) Hacking other players' accounts.
3) Transferring accounts and resources (e.g. RP) between teams in a guild.
4) Sharing accounts.
5) Misuse of forums/chats (see their list of acceptable content and language).
6) Masking your ip address when making purchases.
7) The use of hacks, cheats, bots or any tool to give you an unfair competitive advantage.
8) Sharing cheat or hack information in the chat.

We have all tacitly agreed to these terms and conditions by signing up to the game and we had 14 days to withdraw consent to them and have our accounts deleted.

Interestingly there is no mention of refunds. In fact a consumer's right to make refunds on purchases made online is enshrined in law in most countries. Refundgate is, at its core, a matter of policy and procedure between Facebook and Sweet Nitro. The only time it can be construed as fraud is if the reason provided for the refund is manifestly false. But we've been down this rabbit hole at length and I apologised for my actions in this to you all and made good financially with SN.

It is clear that all the current rhetoric against Damage is purely manufactured and false as probably more than 50% of players have breached the terms and conditions of the game. People just throw the word cheat around arbitrarily to suit their own world view and agenda on the game.

Lastly, these tactics don't work against Damage, as we are as strong as ever. Too many people see through all the nonsense.
Damage Royal :

Are you really trying to justify the actions the have caused banning of teams In a couple of guilds with all these elements?
Mic's Mob :

Damage Royal :

Are you really trying to justify the actions the have caused banning of teams In a couple of guilds with all these elements?

Gregory K. Ishii :

Hypocrites are hypocrites mate.... It's useless trying to shove it up their arses if they keep carrying on what they're doing and then resisting...

An interesting perspective from what I am assuming to be a natural perspective. How would you adjust the offer of peace agreement?

I’m happy to sign up to a pact that will stop any cheating from any guild. and was hoping to the same from others.
Mic's Mob :

Gregory K. Ishii :

Hypocrites are hypocrites mate.... It's useless trying to shove it up their arses if they keep carrying on what they're doing and then resisting...

An interesting perspective from what I am assuming to be a natural perspective. How would you adjust the offer of peace agreement?

I’m happy to sign up to a pact that will stop any cheating from any guild. and was hoping to the same from others.

So you'd be willing to delete your multiple accounts and kick anyone from your guilds that have ever signed into another account or currently manage another person's account - and exclude yourself and them from the game?

Also you'd have to get Cagnan to sign up to any pact to stop any form of cheating. You approached him for an alliance so you'd be the ideal person to broker the truce talks with him. I'd support you in that personally and would most definitely speak to Damage to get some sort of accord going if all the guilds would sign up.

But then we have the problem of the breached terms and conditions of the game. We'd all essentially be banned anyway apart from an isolated few and the game would collapse financially.