I've been building on my guild For Ever Strong RFC for almost a year and just as I hade 20 every day active teams and were actually starting to grow as a guild one of my strongest teams warned he Wil leave unless I make him a leader... So as I don't want to loose him as he was a big team and gave us a big edge on most of the challenges I make him leader just to log in the next morning to be kicked alongside my fellow leaders... Made him self the only leader now I'm forced to start a new guild which brings me to the point where I'm starting to loose interest in the game its not fair that something like this happens... There should be a founder rank and that as long as the founder stays active according to the games standards he can't be kicked by no one...... I've taken over a full guild with 18 inactive teams which I've invited 6 new teams butt now I've been waiting for a apponent for almost 2 days and the new teams wants to leave if we don't start playing a challenge game soon.....