Before I hang it up, which might be soon if Sweet Nitro continues with this bullshit random generator crap, I need to make my mark to try and form the best US players in the game to have a respectable guild that they can call home and be proud of. By no means am I the best player in the game, but I have given it my all and played with some of the best players, and been in some of the best guilds. Not one was a US based guild. Knowing is half the battle, and if you have the itch to be in a top 20 guild, learn, give back, and strive to be the best player you can. give me a shout. I will be sending my LC Cubs team around to various guilds to recruit. If you would like me to come to your guild to brainstorm, let me know. Looking to form two-three guilds with USA Rugby Union as the main, since they are currently the only top 100 US guild in the game.
Calling all Americans (Yank, as the funny talkers call me)
The first attempt, went to American Hammers and the friggen tools kicked me after explaining my goal. Shit guild with shit players and shit heals senders; no wonder Saracens left and came to USA Rugby Union. On to the next
Second guild I went to was Rangers. Some decent top heavy teams, but like a Chinese elm tree, they were half dead and half alive. With many in the guild that haven't sent one heal all season. Why keep shit teams? It is a pattern I see in many US guilds. I guess in retrospect it's kinda like how we treat the rest of the world, we want to police them, don't want to learn their language or culture, yet expect a McDonald's meal when we get there. Sad
There are more bad American guilds than good. Good luck bud; I see you have Sniper there should be a good fit.
We have some openings for anyone that would like to make this US guild the best in the States. We had 17 double or triple promotions this season, with another 6 single. We will get there with your help. Play my Cubs team for an invite
would like to form two guilds. One the elite and the best, two, a feeder with some of the best in the game with 2nd or 3rd teams. We will help you get better and enjoy the game more.