I'm Welsh Wizzards from the Top 5 Welsh Power Guild.
As discussed in other posts, for numerous reasons I am against MB being used at all in any matches whether they be Championship, Tournaments or Guild Challenges.
For this reason I have changed my name to "Welsh Wizzards (Save your ££ No MB Here)" as I will never use a Match Bonus in any of the games I play.
However, if a (similar level) opponent knows this and still wants to play me with a MB to beat me - then feel free. However, when I play you in a friendly game straight after - or as soon as I can after the game - and you lose (possibly heavily) ask yourself the question as to whether you won the original game on skill and strategy or whether you wanted to win at all costs regardless?
I much rather pit my wits against players rather than my bank balance so until the Admins complete their review of MB then I will follow this stand.
If enough players thought the same - and changed their status to show "no MB" - then maybe this proliferation of using MB to win at all costs could be harnessed and the spirit of this game could be returned.
As discussed in other posts, for numerous reasons I am against MB being used at all in any matches whether they be Championship, Tournaments or Guild Challenges.
For this reason I have changed my name to "Welsh Wizzards (Save your ££ No MB Here)" as I will never use a Match Bonus in any of the games I play.
However, if a (similar level) opponent knows this and still wants to play me with a MB to beat me - then feel free. However, when I play you in a friendly game straight after - or as soon as I can after the game - and you lose (possibly heavily) ask yourself the question as to whether you won the original game on skill and strategy or whether you wanted to win at all costs regardless?
I much rather pit my wits against players rather than my bank balance so until the Admins complete their review of MB then I will follow this stand.
If enough players thought the same - and changed their status to show "no MB" - then maybe this proliferation of using MB to win at all costs could be harnessed and the spirit of this game could be returned.