Waspy Waspy :
Ashley Whitehead :
Waspy Waspy :
Mirko Massarutto :
Hi everybody where can i find the price for every level of a building (and time to keep it done) and the price to get terrains for building?
If you click on the building you want to upgrade and click upgrade it says the cost and build duration. Building spots also tell you cost in cash or gold balls if you click on it.
Now who's not reading properly guess reading isn't one of your strong suits. He was asking if anyone had the whole lot with cost and time for "everything" land and buildings.
I seen one floating around on here awhile back but I'm not diging for it.
I can read thank you. I also have a basic comprehension of spelling and grammar so I'm one step ahead of you.
Last time I checked you can only do one upgrade at a time. If anyone knows how to upgrade to level 20, for example, before they've reached level 19 then I'm sure everyone would love to know.
I believe the asker was questioning whether anyone had a list of detailed costs and timeframes for each building and detailed costs for land from level 1 to level 20. I think one can safely assume he is on a low level and cannot see that level 20 stadium costs 63M and takes x amount of time to complete because he has not completed level 19, as an example.
Maybe we are similarly less educated than WW Ashley?