guest_1444104774033 :
Firstly im happy with the update Like the ranking system,create some sparks and so on. Second ly the fans winning and loosing value is killing us. 1050 fans for a loss just to gain 100 or 200 fans on a win. Not all of us has cash to pour in the game to obtain max value players. Soon i will be leaving as i cant maintain it. Loose all hopes for advancing due to the fact we only can get 500/1000 fans on training and 100 to 600 if lucky on champs/gvg and tornies. Where we loose 1050 to 5250 just in training match loses. (If all goes right and win matches home we can get up to800 fans a day and a good day we loose 3 matches witch leaves us with -3150 fans add the 800 fans gains then we still left with -2350 fans. Even if we loose one game a day still bring us to a -200 fans a day
Look in to it please
Does this update help make fans less consequence to you? Seems like now the only benefit of the fans is money and if the fans start to drop to a point it isn't as punitive as the number gained increases. Now I'm a lvl 20 stadium due to frustrations expressed by those with 21s and 22s, but this update seems to decrease the significance to me.