Something Strange Going On Here

16/01/17 16:55
Match bonus has no effect in friendlies, right?
I just played a friendly where the opposition backline players had MUCH less speed points than my backline players (almost 50% less) and their rhythm setting was only slightly higher than mine, but they out-sprinted my backline players like mine were standing still.
How could that be?
Any ideas as to what could be going on here?
16/01/17 16:57
Oh and my team was on 100% energy
16/01/17 16:59
Attack speed vs defense speed
16/01/17 17:00
Spacing can also play an effect on them running around, but if they outran then it would be the speed settings of individual and/or team
16/01/17 19:02
Their individual player settings for attack and defense speed were set the same as mine - around 30%
16/01/17 22:25
Did their players get noticeably slower towards the end of the game? If so then the team rhythm was v high. As said it was also possibly team attack / defence speed... they'll all make players go lie grease lightening to start but they'll barely be moving by the end of the match if it's too high.

Also, yours might be too low!
16/01/17 23:09
Els, thanks for the invite again. Would join you guys if scrum down wasn't so great. When do you guys plan on changing names again? Makes my ranking tough, lol
17/01/17 00:34
Hi BM, dunno, it's being discussed though! Oh and good game in the final just now - you shouldn't kick to my 4/1 though!
17/01/17 00:49
I see so much mb in tourneys I don't even pay attention, didn't realize it was you, or that I was in the final, til just now. That's a good ole fashioned butt woopin
17/01/17 01:03
I promise there was no mb in that though! It's nice to play a clean game for a change!!