Elephunk :
Hi Socks. I am looking for an active guild to join. I believe you have a number of guilds and would love to join one of the lower ranked ones and work my way up. I'm only a level 8 at the moment but looking to grow. IGN is Elephunk currently in Hellhounds
Hi Socks. I am looking for an active guild to join. I believe you have a number of guilds and would love to join one of the lower ranked ones and work my way up. I'm only a level 8 at the moment but looking to grow. IGN is Elephunk currently in Hellhounds
Hello Rhinos 2nd account aka 'DW the fool'. We have had to kick u sorry as last time u joined u put our chat on the forum. I hope all is well with u... some of the boys feel u need professional 'guidance'.