Peanut Butta :
I can see your point. Good competition is the most important aspect of the game for me and I'm lucky to be in a level that provides that.
I have been talking to some 'Footballers' today. It seems more and more teams are starting to have to 'buy' players to compete, because of the over-inflated price of those in Auctions. And for the push to the top. I will eventually have 'buy' players myself, to be able to compete on a level playing-field, if I don't, I can see myself becoming disenchanted with the game.
Clearly SN has recognised the Football model as way of making extra revenues in the Rugby.
The introduction of relegation, I think, would be a better way of 'punishing' inactive teams. Or even a deletion of an account after, say, 5 months (10 seasons) of inactivity.
Indeed, they should stop promoting the first league by 1 level every season and implement a relegation system.
They could still keep the double jump for the top 3 players of each league.. and let s say #4 to #6 could jump one level, #7 to #11 stay at their level, #12 to #14 are relegated to the lower level.
If you have stronger players when you are relegated, their morale level could be decreased.. (players unhappy to play at a lower level).
Top players would then be able to join the first league twice faster.
And I don t really agree with your point Black Monks. Starting over means re-starting with building upgrades from level 1 and a very weak team (who misses all passes/kicks etc). After having played at a higher level, re-starting from level 1 is very boring. I couldn t do that.
And then after 1 season they would bring me back to level 55 with my level 2 buildings...
So, then I would need to take my credit card to unlock plots/builders and upgrade my buildings in case I want to stay competitive.. If not, then I ll very quickly start losing games and I will uninstall the game (I don t really see the point of playing if i lose most games).
And maybe the goal of SW is to remove many players who play for free and only keep those who pay... From a business perspective, I wouldn t blame them (even if they need both to keep a big enough community of players).