Ystrad :
Glad to respond. I buy 4 players a season hence why my team is so young. When my players turn 24 or 25 I have no use for them so I sell. I get between 200k-300k for each one. 4 in and 4 out so I'll fetch in 800k to 1 million so this is why I have so much. Not that I needed to explain myself to you but so that you understand rather than posting a jealous thread. Alot of people can vouch for me doing this. So walk along with your tail between your legs.
Glad to respond. I buy 4 players a season hence why my team is so young. When my players turn 24 or 25 I have no use for them so I sell. I get between 200k-300k for each one. 4 in and 4 out so I'll fetch in 800k to 1 million so this is why I have so much. Not that I needed to explain myself to you but so that you understand rather than posting a jealous thread. Alot of people can vouch for me doing this. So walk along with your tail between your legs.
Those numbers just don't add up to the amounts I've seen you give away. It's like you're burning the books and get rid of 20mil + before your hand gets smacked in the cookie jar. 24-25 yro don't sell for 200-300k. Plus, your defensive attitude just reassures my hunch. You were in on the fix, but didn't get caught, and before they chop off that hand you are giving those RPs away like a field on fire. Good try justifying it