As if it weren't obvious enough that the usual 4 suspect guilds International Lions/Bluebloods/Lomu Legends and Arena were laundering RP to each other, swapping teams in/out of guilds and even match fixing, they have now changed their 4 teams names to be the same.
Why on earth is no action being taken against these 4 guilds and its members? I'm pretty sure that if this were happening in real life, all teams would be suspended from competing and heavily fined. Surely this is bringing the game into disripute? Bring some credibility back to the game and take action against all members of these 4 guilds.
Why on earth is no action being taken against these 4 guilds and its members? I'm pretty sure that if this were happening in real life, all teams would be suspended from competing and heavily fined. Surely this is bringing the game into disripute? Bring some credibility back to the game and take action against all members of these 4 guilds.