Strategies to include individual players' strategy instructions and team selections

13/11/17 17:24
Ok, I understand that timed substitutions are a divisive issue so lets assume that never happens. The implications of that then are that you need a jolly good offline strategy as well as an online one when you can sub. I have come up with what I think are two really decent strategies that both work for me. The catch is that in order for them to work better the actual 'Individual instructions' - i.e. player strategies need to be tweaked. It is a major pain in the proverbial having to adjust these on potentially 10 players in your team before going offline and back again when you come online. Seriously tedious. Unfeasible even.

Surely it would easy enough to code the game so that each of your strategy templates takes a snapshot of your a) team selection b) individual instructions on your players, in addition to the global team strategy?

That way you can switch between strats easily and have your team selection done for you, as well as how each player will play that particular game for you. i.e. Kick more, pass more, penetrate more, defend faster etc etc etc. When you sell or retire a player you could just have a pop up warning you to update your strategies accordingly otherwise a player gets swapped in automatically with their current default instructions like when you get injured?

I, for one, would find that very useful.

It could also be a step towards starting to have the option of having pre-set set piece moves with different running lines etc - that would be the Holy Grail for me, but probably too much to ask?