Black Monks :
Peanut Butta :
Oh, well. The most pleasure I get from GC's is catching teams, 10 levels higher than me, with their 'pants down'.
haha. Same for us, but for now we get to play against teams who are full of players at lvl 70+. We managed to get one win in the gc hahaha.
The issue is that some top guilds might be penalised for no reason. A guild could win against all the other guilds, and still not be #1.
If you win all your gvg matches you will first. If the running total is 60 days it will be very rare for guilds to remain winning 100% simply because they will be playing all the other top guilds. And if top is playing top and one of those wins them all they will certainly be #1, it is a mathematical inevitability. Worst case they would be tied for #1. Draws will become much more common and a top guild guild beating a top guild will become very thrilling.
Really, “mathematical inevitability”? Very interesting...
What happens if a guild cannot launch GCs just after finishing the previous one.
This current system is not only based on the performance of a guild, but also on how fast they start the next GC. (do not tell me you forgot this variable).
Simple calculation:
The max points a guild can get in 60 days is 120 pts (assuming this guild launch a new gc every 36 hours) and win all of them.
If you take an example of a guild who also launches a gc every 36 hrs but continuously gets 1 win and 1 draw, they would score 80 pts in 60 days.
Similarly, a guild who launches a gc only every 48 hours, and win all of them, would only get 90 pts after 60 days... meaning:
the ranking of a super strong guild who can only launch a gc every 48 hrs will be very close to a guild who gets 1win/1draw but launch a new gc just after the previous one..
Additional variable: The time you wait to get matched once you click on the gc button:
I have just spoken to a strong guild who had to wait 6 hours before being matched against another guild.. If it happened regularly, they will quickly be late by one or more gc compared to other guilds that have been matched directly.
A new role has been created for guilds: The click commander who makes sure you start a new gc as soon as possible.
PS: Mathematical riguour is key before asserting something is “inevitable”.