Tîm Ffenics Cymru are one member short of returning to the guild top 50, and fully intend to rise on upward from there.
We are a friendly, active and occasionally silly bunch, always willing to help teams grow and progress. We have a facebook page for sharing info, stats (if that's your thing), and additional healkits with each other (optional), and have our very own crusty towel as a mascot. Okay maybe forget that last one... I try very hard to.
If you would be that missing piece, just challenge Taffy's Dragons or one of his right hands (or all three if you like) to a friendly for an invitation.

We are a friendly, active and occasionally silly bunch, always willing to help teams grow and progress. We have a facebook page for sharing info, stats (if that's your thing), and additional healkits with each other (optional), and have our very own crusty towel as a mascot. Okay maybe forget that last one... I try very hard to.
If you would be that missing piece, just challenge Taffy's Dragons or one of his right hands (or all three if you like) to a friendly for an invitation.