about defender,strikers and some changes to make

23/07/16 19:48
-why defenders can dribble 6 players when they decide to dribble but 3 strikers get some difficults to pass through 1 defender if it's the last defender?
-why a player,even in front of the opponent s GK (lonely) dribble the ball backward before deciding to go toward the goal ?
-why defender with 0% dribbl rate still dribble in the penalty area even if there are strikers there (especially when i play away,but when i play home they never never dribble the ball) . I lost so many matches because of that and this is so stupid chielfy angainst Iranian formation .
-Iranian formation : if you cannot find solution about this ,some teams gave ideas about that but i dont know if you considered that :
.If the GK can make clearance without problem,Defender too should make it...=> the problem with the dribbl rate is the solution,a defender sould NEVER DRIBBLE the ball in the penalty area.
.players should loose performances if they are not in their normal position.... => example for defender who is placed as striker => solution for the 10 strikers
-we should not use match bonus in guild challenge because the team who defend cannot use
-friendlies should be limited per day or you cannot play it against the team you play the day ....some made so much abuse to check the formation and player like me is never there to change formation 10 minutes before the match
-you should consider the difference between the average quality of the 2 teams compared to the bonus they can use.....there are so much differences between players and i dont want to talk anymore about the pack. A players with 100 quality has no chance against a player with 130 and both can use 50% bonus

24/07/16 07:51
I agree with your first 4 point PL, it is a big problem inthis game and needs to be sorted.

The 5th about players loosing quality when not in position is interesting and needs to be considerated. A better auction is needed and of course a junior market!!!

Point is a good point. I often have teams that play me with bonus, be ause they can never win without. But if you take the bonus away, many challenges will be pointless for guilds with lower quality teams. I actually appriciate it when we meet a guild who use match bonus. It shows they are willing to spent important money for the good of the guild. It is one of the few ways you can help your guild and members. So i get your frustration, but i also see the good side of it

Point 7 can be dealt with in many ways, but the strange thing is that you do this all the time. I have checked the last 6 league matches and you played a friendly against your opponent 5 times. So when you speak about abuse ...are you talking about yourself too???
Solution is not very hard. If you have more strategies, you should be able to connect a strategy to a match way before the match starts. Then you can have a default strategy on all the time, but when a tournament, challenge or league match starts you will automatically play a strategy you have chosen way before the match started

Your last point is a bit silly. For me match bonus can be deleted, but you cant ask for a bonus system which make every team equal.
24/07/16 10:27
that's why i told that it s an abuse.....i'm a victim and i made it to show that many teams can be a victim...this time i'm on holyday and i can be online during the match but normally i cant...even during the tournament... it's a big problem...last time i missed just 1 day and i got 40 friendlies...i didnt even had time to change formation for champioship and tournament......so they should make a change in strategies to let us use 3 strategies : one for friendlies ,one for tournament and one for championship....you dont have to change it everytime ....it's usefull when you are not online....