It has been mentioned before, but once again a 'smart' tactic is being used by our iranian friends to try and win the guild challenge.
This time one of their members took the open spot in our guild. It has been done before and this is what they do
The new member looses his two challenges
The opponents play our nwe member when the have 24 wins
Our new member wins lots of money and returns to his own guild
Normally i shine my booth before some one gets ki ked out of a guild, now i didnt
You have to admire their resourcefullness ...sublinet, how will you deal with this tactic??
This time one of their members took the open spot in our guild. It has been done before and this is what they do
The new member looses his two challenges
The opponents play our nwe member when the have 24 wins
Our new member wins lots of money and returns to his own guild
Normally i shine my booth before some one gets ki ked out of a guild, now i didnt
You have to admire their resourcefullness ...sublinet, how will you deal with this tactic??