Yesterday for the first time in a long time i beat AggieMcnasty for #1 spot ,, Im not here to gloat or insult him or the rest of you .. He is a tough competitor as are all of you .. i just find it refreshing that for the first time in a very long time that anybody can beat anybody in the top 10 -15 without needing to use the boost slider . .. i beleive this is where the game will really begin to be fun .. not only between guilds but between individuals to crack the top 10 top 5 top 3 and then fight to be King of the Mountain .. great rivalries will form and we will see the names change in the top 3 constantly .. so if you are fortunate to become #1 take a screenshot because you wont be there for long there are way to many good players who know their stuff for you to fight off forever ..
Good Luck Gents and Ladies .. Paw Paw Hilll
Good Luck Gents and Ladies .. Paw Paw Hilll