Sport shop

23/11/17 10:05
Just to clarify if you buy goods from the sports shop are they automatically applied to your team or do you need to manually add them to players?
23/11/17 10:26

05/01/18 03:10
is it a 15 training point increase or 15% increase?
05/01/18 08:15
Targaryen Dragons :

is it a 15 training point increase or 15% increase?

% increase
05/01/18 08:53
05/01/18 10:46
Carshalton Colts :

Targaryen Dragons :

is it a 15 training point increase or 15% increase?

% increase

You 100% positive about that Carshalton? I'm under the impression it's 15 points.
05/01/18 12:37
Given the recent changes to the way the game behaves I’ve come to the conclusion that buying from the shop is a waste of time
05/01/18 14:14
So let's clarify and make sure we are talking about the same things. I think there are two options:
A. Lvl 3 cone adds 15% to your training rate so 100 becomes 115 and 200 becomes 215
B. Lvl 3 cone increases rate by 15% so 100 becomes 115 and 200 becomes 230.
05/01/18 21:29
Think you have an unwanted % sign in there BM.
05/01/18 21:56
Where? One is an increase by % and the other is of %

There are examples too. Or am I misediting my own sentence?