So myself and a mate are enjoying the game, but want to play against each other before joining the Guild. so since there is no way of searching for each other on our nicknames, we saw that you can view them through facebook, but we get the following error when we click on play through Facebook;
Can't load URL: The domain of this URL isn't included in the app's domains. To be able to load this URL, add all domains and sub-domains of your app to the App Domains field in your app settings.
is there really no other way of adding each other, or challenging each other other then though facebook? #exhausted
Can't load URL: The domain of this URL isn't included in the app's domains. To be able to load this URL, add all domains and sub-domains of your app to the App Domains field in your app settings.
is there really no other way of adding each other, or challenging each other other then though facebook? #exhausted