Hey all, i was setting up a slack group for my guild when i thought it would be cool to have it for all players to chat and share advice/answer questions, each guild or group of guilds can set up private channels for there teams to chat as well. The main advantages of slack over other chat systems is it records all convos so you can catch up on what was posted while you were offline, and as long as you enter your team name as your full name it is anonymous, other users can't see your real name or contact details, you can join/share the group by going to https://www.tinyurl.com/rugbymanagerchat or for those that don't like shortened urls https://join.slack.com/t/rugbymanager/shared_invite/enQtMjc5NjQ4NTE3MTIxLTA2ZDM2YTMxYjAzZjcxMzA0MzdiMTg1ZDA4NTA5YTE1NzQzMzVhMjgyYTQ2Njk3NWU5MzQxMzhiNThjNGE2MGQ
there is also an app available for both android and ios
hopefully posting this isn't breaking any rules and i hope to chat to you all soon
there is also an app available for both android and ios
hopefully posting this isn't breaking any rules and i hope to chat to you all soon