Hurricanes86 :
I am currently lvl61 and im finding it increasingly difficult to recruit any decent players, most players that come up are rubbish and the half decent ones are going for a ridiculous amount of recruiter points.Does this trend go all the way to the top? Is this why most of the top teams don't even bother recruiting players?
I echo your feelings Hurricanes, it is becoming harder and harder to find decent players for my Wales team. There is hope however, as at the very top level (level 72 at present), the auctions are much better. Most people have maxed out visa teams and there are huge numbers of second-hand old visas listed pretty much on a daily basis, along with well trained other players. You get the feeling that this is done by the players, not Sweet Nitro however. I picked up an excellent 26 yo 11-14, 193 training speed, excellent training distribution for 102 RP(!!) just yesterday for our guild team. Mainly I just try to get old visas though for subs. The bad news, of course, is that you really need to have at least 15 maxed out Visas to survive up there - quite a few even have 22!
The levels just below 72, I'm not sure. If the players are not feeding the auctions with decent stock, I imagine the offering from Sweet Nitro is probably less than piss poor.