If teams want to cheat and continue to find different ways to cheat, couching it in other terms to self justify their own guilt then do as I do and see them as lower down the evolutionary chain of life than an amoeba.
Keep on fooling yourselves "it's allowed in the game" (bad programming and no retribution from the developers), "it's just another strategy" (it's cheating if you are using an exploit and being better than you should be. You and your real "shit strategy" will be found out when you play real top players who have been here since the days of Sublinet). GC strategies are a completely different animal designed to help a Guild as a whole to improve by maximising games playable so all improve...but we go back to the original post and see Guilds deliberately losing so they don't get humped by the top 4 Guilds in the game (pathetic mindset that is) and teams in leagues going for Champs Cup players by staying down the leagues far longer than they should.
Cheats whether they know it or not are a lower form of life than an amoeba.
This has been my polite response
Yours sincerely,
Keep on fooling yourselves "it's allowed in the game" (bad programming and no retribution from the developers), "it's just another strategy" (it's cheating if you are using an exploit and being better than you should be. You and your real "shit strategy" will be found out when you play real top players who have been here since the days of Sublinet). GC strategies are a completely different animal designed to help a Guild as a whole to improve by maximising games playable so all improve...but we go back to the original post and see Guilds deliberately losing so they don't get humped by the top 4 Guilds in the game (pathetic mindset that is) and teams in leagues going for Champs Cup players by staying down the leagues far longer than they should.
Cheats whether they know it or not are a lower form of life than an amoeba.
This has been my polite response
Yours sincerely,