When are we going to see an update

28/10/24 07:47
I think it’s time for the game to be updated and a few changes to improve the game play. Would you agree?
02/11/24 15:03
Guest 3EB5FR :

I think it’s time for the game to be updated and a few changes to improve the game play. Would you agree?

So what ideas are you putting forward mate?
It's all good and well to say the game needs changes but that probably needs some ideas instead of asking people if they agree...just sayin..
02/11/24 19:59
Cougars (Dave) :

Guest 3EB5FR :

I think it’s time for the game to be updated and a few changes to improve the game play. Would you agree?

So what ideas are you putting forward mate?
It's all good and well to say the game needs changes but that probably needs some ideas instead of asking people if they agree...just sayin..

You definitely had some mate. Share them again and show them how it’s done.
By the way, you still love be and miss this game.
03/11/24 10:13
Simons Spud Slingers :

Cougars (Dave) :

Guest 3EB5FR :

I think it’s time for the game to be updated and a few changes to improve the game play. Would you agree?

So what ideas are you putting forward mate?
It's all good and well to say the game needs changes but that probably needs some ideas instead of asking people if they agree...just sayin..

You definitely had some mate. Share them again and show them how it’s done.
By the way, you still love be and miss this game.

I've been knocked back by worse
11/01/25 22:09
How about an option when you have maxed out all buildings, to demolish a building at perhaps the total cost to build it to max level and then you can rebuild another building of your choice. For example, demolish a goodies shop and replace it with a training centre or a strategy building? Quickly uses up money sitting idle, gives people the opportunity to spend excess money, and throws an unknown into the calculations, faster training or better performance bonus.
11/01/25 22:09
How about an option when you have maxed out all buildings, to demolish a building at perhaps the total cost to build it to max level and then you can rebuild another building of your choice. For example, demolish a goodies shop and replace it with a training centre or a strategy building? Quickly uses up money sitting idle, gives people the opportunity to spend excess money, and throws an unknown into the calculations, faster training or better performance bonus.