Profile of Rik Mellors

Meet Rik Mellors on Sweet Nitro games

Latest threads started by Rik Mellors

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strategy versus player quality by Rik Mellors on 02/11/15 12:40. 2 12425 Here by Richard Nelson on 04/11/15 00:19.
upgrade ground and schedule games by Rik Mellors on 29/09/15 11:59. 5 11826 Here by PierrotLL on 29/09/15 16:55.

Latest threads replied by Rik Mellors

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Can't play any matches. Championship, tournament or friendli... by Ben Venter on 02/01/16 16:49. 4 13132 Here by Camille F. Mellark on 02/01/16 19:45.
tournament bug by Maaaaark on 15/12/15 23:59. 20 33897 Here by Rik Mellors on 02/01/16 12:06.
Cheating: Player vs Player rating/stats does not equate to d... by Nick Wilder on 23/11/15 12:20. 8 14615 Here by Ian_B33 on 29/11/15 16:33.
Selling a player by Ieuan Johns on 31/10/15 00:40. 10 24517 Here by Tollgate on 11/11/15 17:49.
strategy versus player quality by Rik Mellors on 02/11/15 12:40. 2 12425 Here by Richard Nelson on 04/11/15 00:19.
upgrade ground and schedule games by Rik Mellors on 29/09/15 11:59. 5 11826 Here by PierrotLL on 29/09/15 16:55.