Dear All,
I am Brian, (Campbell Exiles), I am head honcho of The Guild of Ireland....I speak on behalf of all the Guild's Members. We are horrified by the recent events in Paris and each of us, (we are worldly wide) stand by the people of France and wish them well. On this forum, we can do nothing, and we have no wish to make this a political venue but we would like to send everyone in France and those who are our opposition in the Rugby world the very best of our thoughts.
I am Brian, (Campbell Exiles), I am head honcho of The Guild of Ireland....I speak on behalf of all the Guild's Members. We are horrified by the recent events in Paris and each of us, (we are worldly wide) stand by the people of France and wish them well. On this forum, we can do nothing, and we have no wish to make this a political venue but we would like to send everyone in France and those who are our opposition in the Rugby world the very best of our thoughts.