Friendly Match vs. Training

18/03/16 02:44
when I want to train my players, I've been doing mixture of 30minutes training and friendly matches, I'm wondering, if I'm ok with not training subs, would I be better off with just focusing on friendlies? or would I be better off with doing bunch of 30 minutes? How much points do I get through friendlies?
18/03/16 08:42
There are no training points for friendlies, only training Matches.
30 min training is the most efficient because it uses less energy.

There are 3 types of match per say, the competitive, (league, cup and GvG), training, and friendlies.

Training matches wIll gain training points, friendlies don't but are good for testing strategies etc ....

Hope that helps
20/03/16 00:07
How can I organise a training match?
20/03/16 00:27
guest_1454779202524 :

How can I organise a training match?

Click on the big ball labelled "Match" in the bottom right of the main screen.

Click on the ball and cone in the top left labelled "Play a match" of the next screen.

Click on an opponent, then click on "Play a match" and you're playing a training match.
22/03/16 00:51