End of Season Awards 30/09/2016
Most League Points - Croxton with 60, followed by Cheetahs and Orlando both on 58
Most League GA - Croxton takes this one with 400, Cheetahs pulls into 2nd with 387 and Orlando 3rd again on 370
Most Heal Kits Sent - Cheetahs takes the crown this time, all hail! A mighty 1251 sent this season, well done! Croxton is in second with 1250 and Alquin Academicals bringing up the rear with 1004
Most Heal Kits Recieved - Cheetahs takes this one with 1108, closely followed by Alquin Academicals on 1051 and Black Monks with 1002
Fewest Heal Kits Sent - Bilsworth Bulldogs takes this one with 23, hope you let us know if/when you're rejoining the land of games soon bud
Result of the Season - Armadillo 666 with a 0-49 defence in the GvG, think they underestimated you there slighty fella
GvG Player of the Season - Orlando again sweeps the board with another mammoth 19 defences in the GvG and all against far higher ranked players. Hell of a run you're on at the minute!
Most Helpful Player - Alquin Academicals takes this for the masterminding of many GvG wins, including Operation Agincourt which was a stunning success, so Merci Mon General!
Biggest Step Forward - Grove takes this one this time around. From struggling in the league, he addressed his tactics with the guild then reeled off wins in 10 of his last 11 matches to finish 1st in his league
The WB Award for Best Post - Sadly, and for the first time, the man taking the award isn't the man it's named after. This season it's Cheetahs. As there were no standout creative posts I have to give this for the copious amounts of drunken ones sent by you buddy. You deserve this!
Naughty Step - Bilsworth Bulldogs. Sadly again he is here, but when everyone else is showing such great form it can't be anyone else. No GvG games played and missing out on promotion, starting to look like you may never properly come back
The D'Oh Award - This season, after narrowly missing out the last few seasons, Cheetahs takes the award! Multiple drunken nights on the chat literally talking to himself, funny as hell but when you ask a dumb question then not only answer it but also chastise yourself for saying it this has to go to you!
The Outstanding Achievement Award for Specific Awesomeness - This has to go to our own SeriousFun. Many of you may not realise it but the Website for our guild, like the deathstar, is fully functional. There has been life getting in the way but passwords will be being sent out today. Graphics courtesy of yours truly but ALL of the codeing is down to this man so here's to you