The game is not a simulation. There are many cases that could be perceived as “unfair” (e.g. your opponent can use subs while you are offline, your opponent can be 25 levels higher than you and challenge you etc.).. Don’t focus on those aspects, otherwise you will be complaining on the forum every day
See it as a sport “strategy game” where you need to define your priorities (training vs. fans, assignement of training points to the right skills, planning of building upgrades, etc.). While it is not a perfect rugby similation, you should join an active guild where you ll find the rugby spirit.. They will help you to progress in the game.. and this is where the fun is.
If you don’t want to lose too many games in the map games, don’t go too high in the ranking.. Less players will challenge you.
If your priority is the ranking, then you should expect to lose lot of fans as you ll get more challenged.. You will also quickly find yourself surrounded by higher level players.
For some players, the map ranking is the most important, for other players, it s the championships..
Try to train your team as much as you can, as this is what will help you to progress. If you are online 24/7, stretching is the best option.. if you are online every 2 hours then cardio is the best, and if you are online every 4 hours or more, choose “intensive”.. (the efficiency of the 3 training types is pretty similar, but stretching leaves your players with a higher energy). And obviously, don t launch a training just before an important game..