Peanut Butta :
Hi Iain
I agree with some of your points like MB and sports shop. I have never used MB (waste of money, except for the billionaires) and as the sports shop, well it's there, so exploit it.
As regards energy of players. It has nothing to do with stamina. It affects the performance of the players. If all your team is at 0% you have 25% performance penalty, performance will rise incrementally until energy is 100%. You may look ok, as regards speed and stamina, but you will 'miss' tackles, lose line-outs and scrums.
So, when you play teams, look at their energy levels and compare them to your own. You may have more balanced games, now.
Mate, We have done a survey of teams lower than us, on sports kit levels, Stamina, Speed stats, and the maths don't add up ! For every level of sports kit you get 5%, so playing a team 3 levels below you, their players will be the same if they have level sports shop items, but of course you will buy sports shop items so will be higher than his team, also your players are all maxed on stamina, speed, attack, defence. But sadly the system doesn't work, cause his players act like he is 3 levels above you, and win scrums, lineouts and out run your players !! There is totally no logic to the game. I have played a team who's players were at 52% energy across the board, 4 leagues below me, had 3 sports shop items (Shoes lvl 1, Water lvl 1 & Shirt lvl1) none of his backs were top level for his league for speed or stamina, I had all backs top level for speed & stamina, lvl 3 sports shop items across the board and full energy, no use of MB as was 4 levels above him. And the score was 7-21 to him, no subs from him, scored 2 tries in the last 10 mins !! Explain that, and please don't use the strats as an excuse, my strat was beating better teams than me in my league. You may as well toss a coin mate