Under Level 45 tourney

25/02/19 23:15
Gettin a Level 45 and less game wide tourney up. We are up to 18 teams lets get it up to 32 and have some fun. Code is 2XIUJ
26/02/19 00:01
let me know if you need a body to make 32. No way lvl 17 Buster would get out of the first round so would. purely be a body. lol.
26/02/19 00:50
I have a lvl 15 from our guild who wanted to join LMAO
28/02/19 02:00
Your level 15 is smart enough to want to make some money..... train him well
28/02/19 20:12
we are
28/02/19 20:19
HAHA!! Moose Knuckle is throwing the challenge flag! Now set up against a 47. SHe cries foul! But that better desribes her body odor.
01/03/19 02:06