Profile of Hands Away Blue

uba de la Guilde "la famille du rugby"
Guilde sympa et conviviale, qui aborde les Défis avec sérieux

Meet Hands Away Blue on Sweet Nitro games

Latest threads started by Hands Away Blue

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"la famille du rugby" vient de créer son centre de format... by Hands Away Blue on 26/04/18 14:32. 0 18937 Here by Hands Away Blue on 26/04/18 14:32.
La famille du Rugby recherche 2 membres actifs aimant les Dé... by Hands Away Blue on 03/03/18 01:20. 4 15307 Here by Alain Cerqueira on 24/01/19 01:06.
Tournoi des 6 Nations by Hands Away Blue on 01/02/18 12:20. 6 16114 Here by Raptors XV on 09/02/18 22:31.
niveau maximum du jeu by Hands Away Blue on 31/08/16 22:05. 2 11330 Here by Hands Away Blue on 31/08/16 22:29.
3 joueurs niveau 18 dans un championnat lvl 19 by Hands Away Blue on 14/06/16 19:48. 1 12821 Here by Mcka on 14/06/16 21:35.
age de départ à la retraite by Hands Away Blue on 09/06/16 13:17. 6 22474 Here by Zaz Bouzelouf on 13/06/16 13:41.
Prime de Match (what else???) by Hands Away Blue on 26/05/16 18:22. 2 12374 Here by Hands Away Blue on 26/05/16 21:25.
alarme Défi de Guilde by Hands Away Blue on 18/02/16 18:21. 0 12077 Here by Hands Away Blue on 18/02/16 18:21.

Latest threads replied by Hands Away Blue

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"la famille du rugby" vient de créer son centre de format... by Hands Away Blue on 26/04/18 14:32. 0 18937 Here by Hands Away Blue on 26/04/18 14:32.
Débutant cherche guilde by lebar on 30/10/17 22:15. 16 34265 Here by Rc Cardiff on 09/06/18 09:29.
La famille du Rugby recherche 2 membres actifs aimant les Dé... by Hands Away Blue on 03/03/18 01:20. 4 15307 Here by Alain Cerqueira on 24/01/19 01:06.
victoire de guilde by BTZ on 28/02/18 20:46. 26 38563 Here by Guest EBALNZ on 07/03/18 14:10.
Tournoi des 6 Nations by Hands Away Blue on 01/02/18 12:20. 6 16114 Here by Raptors XV on 09/02/18 22:31.
niveau maximum du jeu by Hands Away Blue on 31/08/16 22:05. 2 11330 Here by Hands Away Blue on 31/08/16 22:29.
Impossible de faire des matchs d'entraînement by guest_1448044590985 on 31/08/16 09:18. 7 17703 Here by Mcka on 04/09/16 12:00.
Patch 3.6 by PierrotLL on 05/07/16 17:01. 49 78919 Here by guest_1459693643697 on 11/09/16 20:48.
to the french guilds by killerkiwis on 12/05/16 10:25. 27 45472 Here by Waspy Tiger on 07/07/16 22:36.
ALL IN FAVOUR OF REMOVING MB SIGN HERE!! by Hawkes Bay Magpies on 20/01/16 11:19. 344 194960 Here by Hawkes Bay Magpies on 21/10/18 00:24.
Valeur du classement by Stephane Dewost on 23/06/16 07:36. 2 11256 Here by Darksly on 23/06/16 18:59.
3 joueurs niveau 18 dans un championnat lvl 19 by Hands Away Blue on 14/06/16 19:48. 1 12821 Here by Mcka on 14/06/16 21:35.
Les joueurs a leur mauvais poste by guest_1441222571975 on 19/03/16 16:03. 28 48954 Here by Vincent Belot on 23/07/16 21:19.
age de départ à la retraite by Hands Away Blue on 09/06/16 13:17. 6 22474 Here by Zaz Bouzelouf on 13/06/16 13:41.
Patch 3.4 by PierrotLL on 06/06/16 14:09. 27 58547 Here by Agen Rubgym on 09/07/16 01:28.
Prime de Match (what else???) by Hands Away Blue on 26/05/16 18:22. 2 12374 Here by Hands Away Blue on 26/05/16 21:25.
Débat sur le bonus de match by fada623 on 25/02/16 10:40. 30 48930 Here by guest_1450816737839 on 17/05/16 12:36.
penalités et transformations by Jean Rozand on 22/02/16 11:50. 2 16125 Here by Hands Away Blue on 23/02/16 10:16.
Ecran flou by Baptiste Do Nascimen… on 09/02/16 09:49. 2 15773 Here by JasonL64 on 20/02/16 00:43.
alarme Défi de Guilde by Hands Away Blue on 18/02/16 18:21. 0 12077 Here by Hands Away Blue on 18/02/16 18:21.