26/09/16 15:25
Get rid!
27/09/16 21:37
Get get rid of MB please ! It's spoiling this game
12/10/16 05:09
Get rid of MB onewhero badges
11/12/16 06:52
Hey, Any chance of removing 2-5% MB every championship? Or remove it completely!! Half of us will retire before mb is removed at level 51
11/12/16 08:06
Agree, please remove
12/12/16 21:21
Totalmente de acuerdo!
12/12/16 21:22
Totalmente de acuerdo!
12/12/16 22:47
What about if someone buys their entire team? If I'm playing someone who has bought their entire team the only way to even things out is to use mb on them. Otherwise only those who have money to burn will always win. So mb has its place, remember there is no skill involved in buying players better than everyone else has.
13/12/16 00:36
Paul Tulip :

What about if someone buys their entire team? If I'm playing someone who has bought their entire team the only way to even things out is to use mb on them. Otherwise only those who have money to burn will always win. So mb has its place, remember there is no skill involved in buying players better than everyone else has.

Even though you moved forums this remains untrue. I have heard of arguments for mb i find interesting, this isnt one. Plenty of top players in this game haven't spent a penny which is extremely rare for apps like this one. Try playing clash, or Mobil strike or any other top app and it is impossible to get to the top regardless of time and and strat because the benefits of credit card are too great. There are plenty of purchased teams that lose to non mb teams. Also, isnt a person that buys their player far more likely to use mb as well? If they will burn 600 of real money why won't they burn 15mm play money? Only place it gives an advantage is in gvg and a good number of mb users think gvg should always remain mb free
13/12/16 12:25
Well they won't get rid of it. People who use mb then end up buying gold balls in order afford building upgrades as well. So really those that use mb are keeping the game going just as much as those who buy players. Of course the ideal solution would be no mb no bought players, but then the game would end. As soon as the game does not make enough money it will be shut down with very little warning. It's happened before on one of those farm building games my daughter was playing. Mb equals profit equals the game being here.