some of the long standing members of this game may remember team rebels my team Dark Destroyers has taken them over which is my second account as i'm the leader of world elite my plans for the guild are to have young british teams competing I'll be keeping the name rebels out of respect for the man who created them and I will personally give you all my tips via email to improve your game with a view to maybe even promoting you should you become or are good at the game .if your interested give dark destroyers a friendly and I'll drop anyone who is interested an invite, The only requirement is they must speak English . At this moment fans are not too important + you may see some of my members heading over to help out this guild is for less active players in the game who maybe can't commit to the game everyday but still want to play . Gc's will most likely be once a week but could be more If people want that i'm open.
Thanks Ashley
Thanks Ashley