Peanut Butta :
Hi Attackle,
completely agree with the strategy point. Although, maxed-out sports gear (in the early stages of the season) costs zillions So, how is that fair compered to MB?
Hi Attackle,
completely agree with the strategy point. Although, maxed-out sports gear (in the early stages of the season) costs zillions So, how is that fair compered to MB?
I would say there is more a question for each player of what is fair and what is desired. The one area I can argue that mb is not fair is in gvg when only one side can use it. Other than that they are largely the same in my eyes. But since there are 0 times that sports shop can be used by only one side and there is one instance in mb I personally feel mb as part of the game needed addressed at a higher priority.
And I know not everyone does have a sport shop but everyone can have one.