Oh man you 2 are singing my song....
The sports shop drives me insane.. it's worse then the slide bar early on...
1st what team in any sports charges for gear..
and ok if you want to give higher lev teams something to spend $ on.. keep gear in and make it available to BUY outright..
making people bid on something that has such a huge impact on the game is just not right or fair even....
It drives me insane....
What makes a game like this fun is beating even comp.... having your settings, off plays and def setups pay off...
you do all that and some guy beats you to lev 3 speed gear and bang a team that could never touch you takes away win 1...
it is at a point where i seen teams bidding like day 10 for gear... 3 days left in a season and people still dont have the gear to even the playing field...
you either need to add about 10 time the amount of gear that you do now. or make it so people can buy it outright,,, ya make it expensive even.. but it would make it fair...
and for Gods Sake I understand that some time ago there were not many teams at the highest levs (Lets say 55+) but that has changed... add players to the damm AH already..... maybe raise the damm building levs a notch or even 2 cause a good bit of the fun in this game is Building the town..... I maxed mine around lev 48-50..... now we just play GCs and tournies.. the game lost some of the parts that make it fun....
you keep watching max lev players retire... in many cases people that have and would spend $ on the game... not doing the simple things that keep them invested is just not smart Business IMO