Match Bonus

What does the match bonus effect? I see next to it; stars %, does this mean how much if their potential they play to?
The match bonus is a multiplier applied on every players' attributes during the match.
Your player has 10 in running speed, your match bonus is at 50%, your player will run like he has a speed at 15.
I only found out about match boost yesterday when someone told me about it.. So what games can it all be used by, i tried it out at a practise match, can you use it by championship matches and tournament matches as well, and if you can how?
Ej Wonderboy :

I only found out about match boost yesterday when someone told me about it.. So what games can it all be used by, i tried it out at a practise match, can you use it by championship matches and tournament matches as well, and if you can how?

Click 'match' then click the ? In the blue square bottom left of screen. Explained there.m