
we are looking for some new and active members ...if you dont have enough fans, just let us know and we'll sent you an invite
By the way, guys, have some respect for Rebels' forum page and remember this is not a page of about past glories, MBs, etc.

Forward, it is truly surprising that despite your team's name, you do indulge in lots of retrospection, which, I presume, is a flawed humanistic trait. Leave the past behind and move Forward.


P.S. My apologies, Rebels, for posting this.
No problems, I always enjoy the posts. It keeps this place alive ..
Sorry to see Mad Mick's no longer with you, was a top guy. Sure you'll recruit well soon enough. All the best - & see you tomorrow SA..!!
Yeah its a loss to the game.. always looked up to madmicks teams since started playing games.. hope you recruit well rebels.. be nice to see you up top again where in my opinion you belong
I agree with Will totally as there were 3 teams I look up to when I started playing this game : Madmick / SA Swans & Vishnal.

Wishing you guys the best in your recruitment, SA Swans & Rebels
Yes, it is a hard loss ...he got tired of this game because it is not going anywhere.Only reason he staid this long is because of the chat in the guild chat room.

I hope the developers are waking up and change this game for real, otherwise they are going to loose a lot players who have been here for a while.

For me the last update looked good at first, but now we are a couple of weeks further I can only say that the game hasn't improved but only got worse. You can have 55 shots on goal iinside the penalty area and still not score. No penalty is ever scored. Handball and rugby tactics rule in this game because they work. Most goals are scored from a scrum. Still no junior centre and a action house that only provides decent players because james puts some guys in there every now and then. Still a 2 weeks season that makes your players retire to fast. Hardly any replies from the modo's and admins. And so on ..

Only reason I am still playing is because of our fun guild and that I have a decent team now and can compete for the title. And of course the chat on the forum.
I want to wish you good luck MK ...but only after today
Crazed Wild Animal :

By the way, guys, have some respect for Rebels' forum page and remember this is not a page of about past glories, MBs, etc.

Forward, it is truly surprising that despite your team's name, you do indulge in lots of retrospection, which, I presume, is a flawed humanistic trait. Leave the past behind and move Forward.


P.S. My apologies, Rebels, for posting this.

who are you?

The only thing you're right, it is the thread of rebels.

but if you do not like what I put do not read.

in that photo are the best teams.

when someone gets upset ...
He is a man i would not like to upset.. he would throw confusing words at me